this world is not my home

For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.

Psalm 11:7

There are days when I feel my “this world is not my home” status very keenly … it makes me homesick for a home I have not yet seen. I was feeling it keenly this weekend. I want to see my Papa’s face, and belong somewhere! You know what, His face is already turned toward me, as I turn mine toward His. I felt Him tell me, Let My acceptance and welcoming of you make you glad! You might be a sojourner on this earth, for it is not your home … but don’t be sad that you are not home yet. Instead be glad that your home is sure, and secure, and prepared for you. Be glad that your future cannot be altered, changed, or taken from you. Be glad that every day that passes, you are one day closer to your real home. You have a future and a hope, so hope in it.

a sudden good break

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12

“Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.” Pro 13:12 (MSG)

“March is coming in like a lion but going out like a lamb. Are you going through a hard time? Watch and wait as God unfolds new plans and strategies over the next few weeks. Sometimes we need to battle, other times we need to let the storm pass. This is a time to do both: battle discouragement for a while but watch as the storm passes. Hold tight as God is about to move. Don’t buy into the discouragement that’s coming in heavy from the enemy. Serious change is happening this month. New confidence is here from God to break through old mindsets and patterns. You can trust what is happening right now as a long-awaited change of seasons has just taken place.

“Just like there was a financial downturn in 2008, the past five years also brought a spiritual downturn. But 2013 is the year of turn around of losses in the areas of favor and finances. Not only that, but it is a time to heal broken hearts, lost dreams, and hopelessness. If you have experienced loss or what seems like repeated attacks of the enemy in any of these areas, then this is great news from God. Watch as God begins to restore these things in your life this year.

“We are in a time of radical transition. Watch. Take steps. Battle through discouragement. The God of surprises is going to turn things around. I know it and am pulling for you!”

– from the prophetic word for March 2013 from Doug Addison.

peace with enemies

When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Proverbs 16:7

I would not say that I have enemies. I have former friends who loved me, who I loved, who in most cases mistook something I said, or believed a lie about me, or who took actions which harmed me. They have dismissed me as friends or made themselves my enemies, although I did not say an unkind word to them or take any action to harm them.

I have learned to overcome evil with good, to turn the other cheek, to not retaliate in kind, and to forgive everyone of everything. God gives us opportunities to learn this way of living, which is His way of living, by sometimes allowing hurts to come against us. When we walk in this way, the way that Jesus taught us and lived as an example before us, it pleases the Lord.

This week I was surprised and delighted to receive olive branches from some of these former “enemies.” We might not exactly be friends, but we are no longer enemies and are living in peace, for which I am extremely grateful. ♥

keys of the kingdom

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 16:19

I had a dream last night, which is happening more frequently. In it I was looking at a closed door but it was outlined with light. Not everyone was aware of its existence. I was being given the key to open it and go in.

When I woke up I had the distinct impression of being cradled in my Father’s arms, as if He was holding me while I was sleeping!

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luk 12:32

Waiting for God's plan for your life

One of the hardest transitions our family had to make did not happen to us while we homeschooled. It was when the children were out of school and at the crossroads time in their lives. It was hard on me, because all I had done for decades was take care of children and homeschool. To not have that responsibility any more left me feeling a little like a fish out of water. It was hard on my children, too, for the same reason, and also, they now had the responsibility to discover from the Lord what His plan was for their lives.

We discovered that God’s plan for our children, each as individuals, may not be the same as His plan for others. It may not even be the same that we as parents originally thought or even that they as children originally thought for themselves. My oldest is married with children and is busy raising her children and making plans to homeschool when the time comes. My middle son was betrothed and beginning community college when his fiance was killed in a traffic accident. This event dramatically changed the course of his life in ways none of us could have realized or anticipated. My youngest has never been betrothed or married, and appears to outsiders looking in, to be in a state of limbo.

I just learned from Dr. S. M. Davis (I love his messages on biblical family relationships) that one of his daughters had to learn to wait patiently for Mr. Right to come into her life, well beyond the age her sisters were married. She wrote a short book about all the things the Lord taught her while she was waiting for her prince to come: How to Stay Happy and Content while Waiting on Prince Charming. I just read it – I thought it was full of wisdom. In fact, I think it is great advice for any young person waiting to hear from the Lord what He wants them to do with their life, not necessarily just for a young woman waiting for her husband. I am certainly going to recommend it for both my children, and perhaps your children will benefit from it also. 🙂